Saturday, May 23, 2015

"The Moving Wall" to be in SoCal Over The Weekend

Specifically, it will be at Green Hills Memorial Park in Rancho Palos Verdes.

I'm going to stop by tomorrow and pay my respects.


  1. This is something everyone should see if they haven't already, or have not been to DC to see the real thing. When I first saw it in San Jose, CA, I was surprised at how it moved me. It brought tears so readily. I think they had been bottled up since the days in 1966 when my Dad went to Vietnam to fight with the AirCav in An Khe. Garry Owen! And God bless the souls of those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom we enjoy today.

  2. Thank you for doing that drjim!

  3. It was a very somber event. Saw lots of guys in their old cammo, and some in business suits.

    Many were weeping, and all were reverent.


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