Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Trigger The Vote" with GUNNY

Just got this in an email from the NRA, and it's pretty good.



  1. I don't care who you are, that was funny!

  2. Now THAT was a good one... and I can't help but wonder how many 'takes' that took... :-)

  3. He's quite an interesting guy. A few years ago (before I started blogging) I met him at the Old Fort MacArthur Days event in San Pedro. I was there to help set up some of the WWII vintage radio gear one of my friends was displaying, and we got to spend some time talking to him. He's very personable, loves to talk, and we even asked him to do one of his DI tirades on a new recruit.
    He went for about 10 minutes, and didn't repeat a single curse, put down or insult.


Keep it civil, please....

Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....

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