Sunday, June 26, 2011

Over For Another Year

And we had a great time, as usual.
I don't have the final tally yet, but the 20 meter CW station made around1000 contacts, the 20 meter phone station made about 1200, the 15 meter phone station made 380, and the satellite station (my son and I) made 49 this year.
We actually have 53 callsigns, but couldn't make the complete exchange with them, so we can't count them.
If HO-68 had been working this year, I think we could have made at least 70 contacts, maybe more.
I'll post some pix after I finish unloading the Jeep, and download them from my camera.


  1. Sounds like K6AA had an awesome time this year in spite of low sunspot numbers. 49 on satellite sounds like you exceeded your estimate from yesterday. Way to go!

  2. We did 35 last year, so our "goal" for next year is 65, but since we keep losing birds it might be unobtainable.

  3. Good for y'all, too bad you couldn't break 50 though... Better luck next year!


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