Tuesday, May 4, 2010

R.I.P. Domino May 1996~May 2010

Today was one of the saddest days I've had in a long time.
Our old dog Domino had to be taken on her last ride to the vet tonight.
She was a few days short of 14 years old, and was just plain tuckered out. The last couple of times I had to take her in, the vet told us it was getting to be her time, and we should get ready for it. She had gone deaf about a year ago, and was diagnosed with progressive congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema a couple of years ago. Her lungs kept getting full of fluid, and the meds we were giving her just weren't working anymore. Over the weekend we think she had a stroke, as she was having trouble walking, her tail was always between her legs, and her left eye was pointed up and fixed, while her right eye was normal. Even our young dog Diamond knew something wasn't right, as she was being very protective of Domino, and was licking her face a lot. Last night she started gasping for breath, and was wandering around all confused. She seemed better this morning, and was enjoying the sunshine outdoors while I was doing yard work, but by the time my wife got home from work, she had taken a turn for the worse, and was gasping, wheezing, and "gurgling". These were the extreme symptoms the vet told us would be very evident when it was her time, so we called him, and he said to bring her in. He has a separate room for this, and we went in there and got her up on the table. He gave her the shot, and I held her until she passed on very quietly. We said our goodbyes to her, and came home in tears. This was especially hard on my wife, as she'd raised Domino from a pup, along with Domino's mother, who we had to have put to sleep a couple of years ago.
Goodbye, my friend. I hope to see you on the other side.


  1. We feel the pain, my friend. It's exactly like losing a family member. We're not looking forward to the time when we will have to suffer through another one of those times with our 12 year old Shep/Lab mix "Bear."

  2. It's very hard; you're all in my thoughts tonight.

    Regarding the other side? I'm convinced that if we'd be distraught without a beloved companion, then our dogs will be in Heaven.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss - we give them shelter, food and hugs and they give us unconditional love. I've got some buddies she can hang around with at the Rainbow Bridge while she waits for you...


  4. I hope so. Kind of reminds of the episode of the Twilight Zone about the old guy and his coon dog who both died while out hunting. The gate keeper at the first place they found wouldn't let him in with the dog, so he passed on going to "Heaven", only to find out it was the other place.

  5. I can relate to your pain. I've gone that route before and its like a close family member is gone. I've very sorry for your loss. I have two dogs now and one, Professor, is now 11 yrs old and the other just a puppy. I just recently got the puppy as my wife is terminally ill and I just don't want to be left alone when she and Professor leave.

  6. I am sorry for your loss.
    i have been there.

  7. Awww, geez. You did the right thing. I'm so sorry for your loss, and y'all have my condolences.

  8. drjim,

    Have you seen the Rainbow Bridge poem? I'll drag up a link if you want - I'm looking forward to seeing some of my little buddies one day (waggin' tails and purrs galore!) That Twilight Zone episode was an awesome one...


  9. So sorry for you loss. I have read and sent the Rainbow Bridge poem to many, it is beautiful and helped me.

  10. Thanks, everybody. It was her time, and we didn't want to see her suffering get any worse.
    The really bad part was the vet was closed the next day, so we had to take her in that night, which was also the 6th anniversary of the death of my wife's first husband. She really got hit by a double-whammy.
    Yes, I've seen the poem. It's very nice.

  11. I'm sorry, you DID lose a family member, and that is always hard... At least you know she is no longer suffering...

  12. My thoughts are with ya, for I too know what it is like to loose a member of the family, which pets are in the fulliest sense.

  13. Such a sad thing to lose a great old dog. I am so sorry for your loss. I stopped by from Jeffro's blog and am still reading. Great blog!

  14. I have been neglect in the reading of all the blogs with my travel schedule and just now saw this.

    I can only add my own condolences. Losing a four legged best friend tugs at those same places in the soul that losing any member of the family does. I'm so sorry.

  15. Thanks, Brigid. Give Mr. Barkley a big hug for me when you get home, and be safe out there!


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