Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

 I'll be among the legions of those who will go to bed early. Just getting too old to stay up as late as I used to.

Been very windy here, and the fence on the North side of the backyard has come loose from the rotted posts it was attached to. Looks like we'll be getting together with our neighbors to split the cost of getting it replaced. The fence is the original one from the late 1970's when the houses were built. Our previous neighbor and I replaced a few of the old posts, but several of the others have since rotted away at ground level, and now the fence panels are loose. I rigged them up with some paracord and some "MILSPEC" antenna stakes, but it's time to rebuild that section of fence.

Been cold, too, with the low last night in the high teens, and very dry. We've had two light dustings of snow, and about 1/4" of rain since Halloween way below normal. Looks like the Great Push to get the snowblower serviced has kept the snow away.

Be safe, checketh thy six regularly, and hope 2025 will be what we need.


  1. Felt like Wamsutter, WY Monday. Took out a load of trash in the small cart and parked it behind the car while loading Banner. The wind blew the cart over and two empty grocery sacks took off towards New Mexico. I'm not sure where they landed but this old carcass wasn't going to chase them.

    1. HaH! Our neighbor across the street had one of their inflatable Christmas decorations take off down the street. Wound up in the bushes at the end of the cul-de-sac!

  2. Happy New Year Jim and Family! Get your rest.

    Damsel and I had pharyngitis sore throats early in December and still nave the lingering cough and congestion. Rest is important to healing and we'll get ours by sleeping in (dogs willing).

    1. My Sweet Little Wife is in SoCal visiting friends, so my furry alarm clock is keeping me on my toes!

  3. Happy New Year!

    Are you putting in metal posts to replace the wooden ones? My son used to install fences and that was becoming the practice. They last much longer than wood and are generally stronger.

    1. We haven't decided on what/when/How it's going to be done. We'll probably go with standard 4x4 posts and prefab panels.

  4. My To Do list is topped by fence repairs, some brought on by the last tropical storm of the season. The fence on one side of our lot is actually the neighbor's - except for the several years' worth of wood and screws I've used to patch it up. I hadn't considered splitting the cost to repair it with her like you mention. Thanks for that!

    1. When we first moved in here, our South fence needed replacing, but that neighbor wasn't interested in sharing the cost, so we absorbed it all. Our previous neighbor on the North side would fix that section by himself, with me helping. But after almost 50 years of service, the posts and panels on the North side just can't be repaired much more, so time to replace it all.


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