Thursday, April 30, 2020

More Neighborhood Changes.....

Talked to one of our younger neighbors today, and she filled me in on the local gossip.

She and her husband are now divorced, and she leased a house a few blocks away. No idea where he might go, or if he'll stay in the house.

The young couple next to them are also divorcing, with him going to the Denver area for work, and she's headed to Florida with the kids.

The older couple who moved out a few months back had sold their house to a company that cleans them up and flips them. It was this company that hauled everything away in numerous dumpster loads, not the original owners. It's been sold, and the two cars we see there now are the new owners. So far they're very quiet.

The house next to them, which was a rental, is sloooowly being worked on. The owner lives in Arizona, and nobody knows if he'll rent the house again, or sell it. It's been empty since the two single Mom sisters bought a house about two blocks away. The only activity we've seen has been a single truck and two guys who put new carpeting in the house, and now a single guy who appears to be a painter. I don't think he's painting the whole interior, as it's kinda silly to paint the complete interior after you've had the carpet replaced! That's what the people we bought this house from did, and it resulted in the baseboards not being fully painted. Kinda hard to get down to the bottom of the molding with an inch of carpet and underlayment.

I spent the day spraying RoundUp in the backyard gravel beds, and selectively spraying Weed B Gone in the front and back to get the dandelions, thistles, and other weeds before they go to seed.

And we have a gigantic mushroom infestation at the base of the cottonwood tree we had cut down and hauled away. I was just reading that vinegar kills mushrooms, so tomorrow I'll head out and get (another) sprayer to put vinegar in.

Otherwise, life goes on......


  1. Yard maintenance; not one of my favorites.

    1. It's not too bad. I spend a few hours a week once I get things squared away in the Spring, and as long as I keep on it, it's doable.

  2. There's a lot of drama in the suburbs.

    1. I'm sure there was some drama and internal strife in the two households that are disintegrating, but things seem to settle down quickly.

      At least I haven't heard any close-in gun shots.....

  3. Yep, lot of 'movement' there... What's the age group?

    1. The "old folks" were in their mid-80's, but the other two couples looked to be in their late-20's~early-30's. Both of our next-door neighbors are the original owners, and the nice widow lady who lives on our South has children begging her to sell the house and move in with them. The guy on our North has been divorced for quite a long time, and I suspect he'll go out feet-first....

  4. I'm surprised they still sell Round-Up.

    1. Because of the late-night ads for the ambulance chasers?


Keep it civil, please....

Meanwhile, Back On The Workbench......

 My next patient on the table is a Fisher SR-2010 receiver with no output.  Basic examination revealed a burned 100 Ohm, 1/4 Watt resistor, ...