Friday, April 13, 2018

Danish National Symphony Does "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly"

This is spectacular! Crank up the volume, or patch it in to a good stereo system, and let 'er rip!


  1. That was good.

    The summer after I graduated high school in '79 I got a summer job running a steam roller for a repaving project at the Air National Guard base in Alpina Michigan. There was a Mom and Pop $1 theater near where I was staying that played "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" at least 4 days of every week. I was living in a fish camp cabin and there was no TV or anything else to do but fish. I would go to the dollar theater and watch whatever was playing. They would change all of the other movies out every week but continued to run "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" all summer long. I think I saw it about 15 times.

    1. The first time I "saw" it was at the drive in. Didn't really WATCH it until years later, but the music always stayed with me.

  2. Wow, the soprano was great...

    1. Yep, perfect pitch, right on time!

      The Danish National has also done many other movie soundtrack tributes, like "The Godfather", "Blade Runner", and "Star Wars". Definitely worth watching if you can. The little grandson was fascinated watching the musicians on TV!

  3. That was GREAT!! I just found a great version of

    The Ecstasy of Gold.. Stop over :)

  4. Wow. I gotta try that on my garage PC. It's already patched to a stereo. I've always like this version even though they miss a note. Plus they are just fun to watch--

    and here is a toe tapper--


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Carolina In the Pines

  She came to me, said she knew me Said she'd known me a long time And she spoke of being in love With every mountain she had climbed...